Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Photoshop Techhniques

Lens correction- This has distorted the picture and darkened the edges

Curves- This has changed the colouring of the picture

Friday, 17 December 2010

My magazine will be...

My magazine will be inspired by magazines such as Kerrang and NME. It will also incorporate elements of gossip magazines in that it will have gossip on bands and famous 'rock' figures. The magazine will be slightly serious for people that are really into their music and the bands features but will also be fun-loving to make it entertaining for people who aren't as serious. It will be appealing to both male and female readers.

Flat plans

Contents page-

Double page spread-


Flat plans

Cover page- These are spme of my initial plans for my cover page




Journalism examples

These are examples of journalism I have found